
Jamie Abar
Game Art Major
Camera Shy - Lead Artist
Samantha Arehart
Game Art Major
Monolithic - Lead Artist, 2-D Artist
Michael Aucella
Game Art Major
Axecutioners - 2D and 3D Character artist, animator
Alisha (Leasha) Bernadin
Game Art Major
That Potato Game - Animator, Rigging
Justin Bissonette
Game Art Major
Molementum - 3D Art
Lillian Bonnell
Game Art Major
SYNC - Character Artist
Julia Broman
Game Art Major
Live/Wire - Rigging & Animation Specialist
Abby Caldwell
Game Art Major
Kessler Syndrome - Environment Artist
Jennie Casale
Game Art Major
Polaris Postal Service - Environment/2D Artist
Sasha Chacon
Game Art Major
Mapstermind - Game Environments Artist
Sky Chandler
Game Art Major
Arcanima - 2D Artist & Concept Artist
Lillian Clark
Game Art Major
Sunline - Animator
Alina Coffey
Game Art Major
RagBrawl - UI/UX Artist
Eva Colabatistto
Game Art Major
Thing & Fist - Environment and Prop Artist
Matthew Conrad
Game Art Major
Project Nautilus - Environment Artist, Texture Artist, Level Designer
Matthew Conrad
Game Art Major
Live/Wire - Contract Prop Artist
Ashley Corrado
Game Art Major
Just Golf - Animation and Prop Artist
Ella Countess
Game Art Major
That Potato Game - Lead Artist, Environment Artist
Maya D’Amico
Game Art Major
Ashes to Ashes - Lead Animator & Rigging Artist
Catherine Davey
Game Art Major
Riptide - Environment Art
Benjamin Davies
Game Art Major
Not Quite Immortal - Technical/Environment Artist
Gregory Desiato
Game Art Major
Dead Pedal - Lead Artist, Environment Artist
Adam Dionne
Game Art Major
Overgrown - Character Artist 3D Modeler
Olivia DiPrizio
Game Art Major
Mid-Death Crisis - Environment Artist
Khira Dwyer
Game Art Major
SYNC - Character Animator
Stone Eaton
Game Art Major
Sunline - Animation Lead
Wisdom Edwards
Game Art Major
Mid-Death Crisis - Voice Actor - Zeb/Lich
Thing & Fist - Creative Director
Camden Emery
Game Art Major
Little Bo Reap - Lead Artist, Animator
Jae Ettinger
Game Art Major and Game Design Major
Monolithic - Sound Designer
Henry Foley
Game Art Major
Riptide - Lead Artist
Lake Gildner-Blinn
Game Art Major
Mapstermind - Game Environment Artist
Alex Goodman
Game Art Major
Achromatic - Lead Character Artist
Hannah Greiner
Game Art Major
Eira: Echoes of Adventure - Technical Artist
Brianna Haller
Game Art Major
Dead Pedal - Environment/Material Artist
Zoe Hammonds
Game Art Major
Just Golf - Prop and Material Artist
Perci Hon-Anderson
Game Art Major
RagBrawl - Lead Animator
Brynn Hooper
Game Art Major
Dead Pedal - Technical Artist
RagBrawl - Product Owner, Tech Artist
Cameron Howell
Game Art Major
The Exaggerated Epoch of Edward O’Hare - Lead Artist, Technical Artist VFX & Animations
Sophia Huang
Game Art Major
Install Wizard - General 2D Artist
Jessica Hunsberger
Game Art Major
Little Bo Reap - VFX Artist, Technical Artist
Jimmy Jiang
Game Art Major
RagBrawl - Lead Artist, Environment Artist
Olivia Jones
Game Art Major
Arcanima - 2D Artist & Animator
Olga Kachura
Game Art Major
Junk Punk Arena - 3D artist, Prop Artist
Madeline Kane
Game Art Major
Mid-Death Crisis - Lead Artist
Isabella King
Game Art Major
Dead Pedal - Character/Hard Surface Artist
Nicholas Kline
Game Art Major
Cash Force - Rigging (Freelance)
Eira: Echoes of Adventure - Lead Artist/Animator
Kathryn Komerska
Game Art Major
Little Bo Reap - Environment Artist
Andrea Kutsup
Game Art Major
SYNC - Lead Artist
Alex LaBella
Game Art Major
SCORCH - Character and Prop Artist
Max Laudenslager
Game Art Major
Eira: Echoes of Adventure - Environmental Artist
Jacob Lazarek
Game Art Major
Planetary Planter - Environment Artist
Allyson Lee
Game Art Major
Sunline - Environment Artist
Michelle Lee
Game Art Major
Box Voyage - Room/Prop Artist
Anders Lindberg
Game Art Major
Symbiotic - Animator
Jennifer Loefstedt
Game Art Major
Achromatic - Environment Artist
Nathan Luman
Game Art Major
Planetary Planter - Environment Artist
Anna MacLean
Game Art Major
Kessler Syndrome - 3D animator and Rigger
Grace Magnant
Game Art Major
Guilded - Lead Artist, Environment Artist
Alex Mannion
Game Art Major
Polaris Postal Service - Lead/Environment Artist
Stefan Marshall
Game Art Major
Just Golf - Lead Artist and Product Owner
Katrina Mason
Game Art Major
Polaris Postal Service - Character Artist and Animator
Hannah Mata
Game Art Major
Overgrown - UI Artist 2D Artist
Jesse Mazza
Game Art Major
SYNC - Environment Artist
Frannie McCarthy
Game Art Major
Little Bo Reap - Character Artist
Spencer McKeown
Game Art Major
That Potato Game - Character Artist, VFX/Concept Artist
Lily McMurtrie
Game Art Major
Riptide - Vehicle and Weapon Artist
Marianna Messana
Game Art Major
Guilded - Character Artist
Isaac Mills
Game Art Major
Box Voyage - Lead Artist, VFX/Animation
Makayla Montes
Game Art Major
Monolithic - 3-D Character Artist
Jodi Moore
Game Art Major
SCORCH - Lead Artist Environment Artist
Riley Morrissey
Game Art Major
Camera Shy - Environment / Prop Artist
Anastasia Myer
Game Art Major
Achromatic - Lead Environment Artist
Zach Navarro
Game Art Major
Riptide - Environment Art
Leah Nelson
Game Art Major
Molementum - Environment Art
Tessa Nelson
Game Art Major
Overgrown - Environment Artist 3D Modeler
Brielle Nestler
Game Art Major
Mid-Death Crisis - Character Artist
Brittany Ollendieck
Game Art Major
Symbiotic - Lead Artist & Team Lead
Blade Osborn
Game Art Major
Project Nautilus - Animator, Rigging Artist
Joseph Packard
Game Art Major
Axecutioners - Lead Artist, 3D Environment Artist
Oliver Patric
Game Art Major
Monolithic - 3-D Environment Artist
Brooke Pendleton
Game Art Major
Junk Punk Arena - Lead Artist, 2D Artist
Chase Peterson-Gurak
Game Art Major
Planetary Planter - Animator
Leah Peterson
Game Art Major
Sunline - Lead Artist
Davin Pettingill
Game Art Major
SYNC - Weapon Artist
Brooke Richards
Game Art Major
Kessler Syndrome - Prop Artist
Roland Richardson
Game Art Major
Not Quite Immortal - Lead Artist
JJ Robertson
Game Art Major
Frog Bath - Character Animator, VFX Artist
Kiera Robie
Game Art Major
Molementum - Environment Art
Alec Rubin
Game Art Major
Camera Shy - Animation / VFX Artist
Leanna Russell
Game Art Major
Frog Bath - Lead Artist, Environment Artist
Jason Ryan
Game Art Major
Dead Pedal - Prop Artist
Faith Scarborough
Game Art Major
Overgrown - Lead Artist Animator
Donald Seymour
Game Art Major
Little Bo Reap - Character Artist, Prop Artist
Kaylee Sharp
Game Art Major
Cash Force - Character Artist
Emma Shea
Game Art Major
Project Nautilus - Animator, Rigging Artist
Eric Shepard
Game Art Major
Install Wizard - Lead Artist, General 3D Artist
Kaitlyn Small
Game Art Major
Arcanima - Lead Artist & General 3D Artist
Alexis Sophabmixay
Game Art Major
Ashes to Ashes - Character Artist
Sarah Stearns
Game Art Major
Ashes to Ashes - 3D Environment and Prop Artist
Adam Streeter
Game Art Major
Cash Force - Lead Artist / Prop Artist
Brandon Sweet
Game Art Major
SCORCH - Techinical Animator
Lizzy Szymanski
Game Art Major
Arcanima - Lead Producer & Lead Animator
Kenneth Taylor
Game Art Major
Guilded - UI Artist, UI Designer
Jack Tenda
Game Art Major
Symbiotic - Lead Environment & Team Lead
Patrick Tennant
Game Art Major
Junk Punk Arena - Environment Artist, Prop Artist
Hunter Tether
Game Art Major
That Potato Game - Prop Artist, UI Artist
Alex Theodoreu
Game Art Major
Live/Wire - Lead Artist
Celina Tong
Game Art Major
Box Voyage - Room/Prop Artist
William Toth
Game Art Major
SYNC - Environment Artist
Katherine Townsend
Game Art Major
That Potato Game - Co-Producer, Scrum Master
Elijah Valcik
Game Art Major
Symbiotic - Character Artist
Daniel van Duzer
Game Art Major
Riptide - 2D Artist
Jonah Vita
Game Art Major
Cash Force - VFX Artist / Animator
Sophia White
Game Art Major
Mapstermind - Lead Artist, Character Artist, Character Animator
Avery Whitehead
Game Art Major
Thing & Fist - UI/UX Artist
Amber Williamson
Game Art Major
Project Nautilus - Environment Artist, Texture Artist
Alexis Wilson
Game Art Major
Just Golf - Rigger and Animator
Ben Wolcott-Schickler
Game Art Major
Axecutioners - Animator
Crystal Wong
Game Art Major
Project Nautilus - Lead Art Director, VFX Artist, Concept Artist, Character Artist
Crystal Wong
Game Art Major
Live/Wire - Contract Prop Artist
John Wright
Game Art Major
Ashes to Ashes - Lead Artist, 3D Environment Artist