Ethan Sperdakos

Project Role Polaris Postal Service - Producer/QA Liaison
Major Game Production Management Major
Connect Website

A senior at Champlain College pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Game Production Management and fostering strong interests in cross-team collaboration, leadership, and project management. Studied abroad and interned in Dublin, Ireland, in Fall 2019 within the field of business and Video Game Production in Montreal in Spring 2020. Certified Scrum Master.

Professional Qualifications

  • Agile Management
  • QA Leadership/Liaison Position
  • Scrum Certified, October 2017
  • Task Management/Documentation
  • Team Building
  • Marketing Research/Planning
  • eSports Marketing Plan
  • Data Analytics/Excel Sheets

Technical Expertise

  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Adobe Flash
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • GIT

Development Expertise

  • Agile development in all years at Champlain College
  • Oculus Rift Development at Ironbelly Studios Inc.
  • Prototyping in all years of learning at Champlain College
  • Ironbelly Studios Inc. Internship, Associate Producer, 2020

Interested in Learning More?

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Game Studio art and promotional text