Zachary Frye

Project Roles Install Wizard - Marketing, Publishing Support
Junk Punk Arena - Publishing Support
Live/Wire - Publishing Support
Overgrown - Marketing Publishing Support
Polaris Postal Service - Marketing, Publishing Support
SCORCH - Marketing, Publishing Support
The Exaggerated Epoch of Edward O’Hare - Publishing Support
Major Game Production Management Major
Connect Website

As a Producer, I enjoy working with teams to solve problems and to make something that is truly awesome. When not working with teams, I spend time trying to better myself and my skills. Part of being a Producer is motivating team members to meet not just project goals and deadlines but also their personal goals and achievements. The human element of Production is what I enjoy the most.

Professional Qualifications

  • Publishing
  • Agile Management
  • Project Planning
  • Scrum
  • Team Building
  • Marketing
  • Task Management/Documentation
  • Release Management

Technical Expertise

  • Redmine/Pineapple
  • Basecamp
  • Asana
  • Scrum
  • Nintendo Developer Portal/NCMS
  • Sony DevNet
  • Microsoft Partner Center
  • Steamworks

Development Expertise

  • Co-Producer on Forkdrift, Steam, July 2020
  • Production Intern, Skymap Games, Summer 2020
  • Project Management Intern, Hitchcock Management, Summer 2018

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