Thomas Charlton

Project Role Dead Pedal - Lead Producer
Major Game Production Management Major
Hometown Kennebunk, ME
Connect Website

As a producer, I've learned to foster a team environment that not only promotes deep trust among team members but also allows for fun and enjoyment. I have given my teams the opportunity to explore new challenges, enabling us to grow as developers. As a result, we are equipped to tackle any challenge that comes our way.

Professional Qualifications

  • Agile Development
  • Scrum Master Certified
  • Publishing
  • Team Synergy Building
  • Project Management
  • Task Delegation/Tracking
  • Interdisciplinary Management

Technical Expertise

  • Jira/Confluence
  • Trello
  • Steamworks
  • GIT
  • Google Suite

Development Expertise

  • Lead Producer - College Capstone - Dead Pedal
  • Producer - Spartakids - Ubisoft Game Lab Competition (2022)
  • Stockholm Syndrome.AI - Associate Producer Internship (2022)
  • Club President - Champlain College Esports (2022-2023)

Interested in Learning More?

Fill out this form and we’ll send you info about our game majors plus a poster designed by our students!

Game Studio art and promotional text