
The Team

John Paul Canal
Berklee Sound Student
Sunline - Audio Director, Original Music, Sound Design
Sound Designer
Gavin Chambers
Game Design Major
Product Owner & Lead Designer
Colin Curtin
Sound Designer
Jason Ehrlich
Game Programming Major
AI Programmer
Danahyah Evans
Berklee Sound Student
Sunline - Original Music, Sound Design
Sound Designer
Thornton Fernbacher
Game Programming Major
System & Tools Programming
Christopher Foster
Game Programming Major
Lead Programmer & Team Lead
Lauren Kott
Berklee Sound Student
Sunline - Original Music, Sound Design
Audio director, Sound Designer, Composer
Anders Lindberg
Game Art Major
Maximus Lorah
Game Programming Major
UI Programmer
Aidan Murphy
Game Programming Major
Lead Programmer & Team Lead
Brittany Ollendieck
Game Art Major
Lead Artist & Team Lead
Llyn Printon
Game Design Major
Narrative Designer & UI Designer
Brandon Skylar
Games and Interactive Media Scoring with a minor in Film Scoring
Project Nautilus - Voice Actor
Sound Designer & Composer
Harris Slesar
Game Programming Major
AI/Gameplay Programmer
Joseph Tecce
Game Design Major
Level Designer & UI Designer
Jack Tenda
Game Art Major
Lead Environment & Team Lead
Shayn Toothman
Berklee Sound Student
Sunline - Sound Design
Sound Designer
Elijah Valcik
Game Art Major
Character Artist
Benjamin Voter
Game Design Major
Level Designer & Team Lead
Wyatt Wadsworth
Sound Designer

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Game Studio art and promotional text