
The Team

Nathaniel Beeler
Game Production Management Major
Project Manager
Sky Chandler
Game Art Major
2D Artist & Concept Artist
Asher Chase
Game Production Management Major
Business Publishing/ScrumMaster
Elliott Friedrichs
Game Design Major
Systems Designer, Level Designer & Narrative Designer
Evan Hintz
Game Design Major
Lead Designer & Narrative Designer
Olivia Jones
Game Art Major
2D Artist & Animator
Colin Keilbach
Game Programming Major
Lead Programmer
Edmar Mendizabal

Brielle Nestler

Dominic Prignano
Game Design Major
UI/UX & Narrative Designer
Tyler Sloss
Game Programming Major
Tools Programmer
Kaitlyn Small
Game Art Major
Lead Artist & General 3D Artist
Dana Steinhoff

Lizzy Szymanski
Game Art Major
Lead Producer & Lead Animator
Nico (Jesus) von Friedeburg
Game Sound Design Major
Lead Sound Designer

Interested in Learning More?

Fill out this form and we’ll send you info about our game majors plus a poster designed by our students!

Game Studio art and promotional text